Technology has advanced to the point where programming has become an essential part of our lives. We use software and applications for communication, entertainment, education, and work, and these are all built on programming languages.

Covid-19 and Antiviral Drugs

Dozens of clinical trials are launched by many doctors and researchers since this pandemic broke through. But, these multiple trials are not giving strong evidence to save a life from novel Corona Virus. Though, The WHO is launching multi country clinical trials to test four drug regimens as COVID-19 therapies; remdesiver, chloroquine,  a combination of two HIV drugs, and those same two HIV drugs along with the anti inflammatory interferon beta. The US is not currently involved in WHO trials.

Hundred of clinical trials are underway, and other groups are adopting the medications that the WHO selected.

Several Tests have the following results on the medications that WHO selected.

  • Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine
The research of highly qualified researchers says that Hydroxychloroquine and related Chloroquine can cure Covid-19, as because the drug has been around for decades as an antimalarial treatment, scientists have experience with it.

  • Lopinavir-Ritonavir
In Thailand, Doctors said that they have seen improvements in Covid-19 patients by adopting the suggestions of WHO of using combination of two HIV drugs; Lopinavir and Ritonavir. These combinations were also used during SARS and MERS outbreaks, and it was useful.

  • Remdesivir
Remdesivir was used for the treatment of Ebola, and the research also showed that this can also be used to block SARS and MERS. Research also showed that it could inhibit the novel Coronavirus in cells.

  • Favipiravir
While tested in Clinical Trials, Favipiravir was effective in treating Covid-19 patients. Meanwhile, Japan is studying about this drus more closely. But, this drug doesnot work with MERS, and, MERS is similiar to novel Corona Virus.

For detail Click Here

Program to print first 9 natural numbers using For loop

Here, I have used Dev C++ platform, it is easy to download. In this program, integer "i" is declared. For Loop has been used initiating i from 1 and print the value of i in each loop increasing value of i by 1 until given condition becomes false ie, i<10.


Print natural numbers from 10 to 30 using For Loop.

Give your answer in comment section.

Corona Virus(Covid-19)-How to use Mask?

Corona Virus disease(Covid-19) is a disease caused by corona virus that causes illness including common cold to more severe disease and even death. Covid-19 is a new strain that discovered in 2019 from the city of Wuhan(China). Common Signs are fever cough, shortness of breath and difficulty in breathing as well as in some cases pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure and even cause death of victims.

Personal Hygiene is a must to be away from this virus. I am going to point some basic way to properly use mask.

When To Use Mask
  • If you're taking care of victim of covid-19.
  • If you are coughing and sneezing
  • It is better to use while you are properly and regularly washing your hands with alcohol based hand rub or soap and water. 
  • While using mask, you must know how to use it and how to dispose it properly after using it.
How To Use Mask
  • Before putting on mask, properly wash your hands with alcohol based hand rub or soap and water.
  • Cover  your mouth and nose properly and be sure that there is no gaps between your face and mask.
  • Avoid touching your mask frequently: if so, wash your hands with alcohol based hand rub or soap and water.
  • Replace the mask as soon as it is damp.
  • To remove mask, remove it from back, don't touch the front of the mask. Discard it immediately in a closed recycle bin.


Goto Statement or Jump statement in C

The goto statement is also known as jump statement that makes a program procedure to jump any where from anywhere within the program. It is sometime also called unconditional jump statement.
 In this program, it takes name of a person and then prints it. Here "jump:" is a label that goto statement will transfer the step when encountered. So, after printing the name, it asks to continue and if a user enter y or Y the goto statement transfer the step to that label and if any other key is pressed the program will print Visit Again.

Break and Continue in C

Break statement when encountered in the loop it immediately break the loop and program resumes at the line following the loop. It also terminate the case statement in switch.
For example, if we are writing a program to search a name among 1000 of given names, we may have applied loop for this program, . But if the program finds it in 10th iteration and at this point, we don't need to travel for remaining 990 iteration, we just need to terminate the loop and resume the program outside the loop. For this, only break statement is useful.The break statement is used in conjunction with condition.

For example,

In this program, i increases by 1 and when it encounters with number 5, it gets broken and the loop gets terminated.And thus, the output will be 1 2 3 4

Continue statement is used to omit a particular statement and proceed to next iteration. The continue statement escape the statement and move to next iteration.
For example, if we have to escape 10th number from 1000, continue statement is used. It is used in conjunction with condition.

Here, the for loop continues and when i is equal to 5, it step escape the statement and move to another iteration. Hence, from the program the output is 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9



Loop is used in programming to execute any instruction repeatedly until a condition is satisfied. The computer has ability to perform a set of instructions repeatedly. This involves repetition of some portion of a program either for a specified number of times or till a given condition is satisfied. This repetition operation is known as looping.

Purpose of Looping
  • To execute statements for a specified number of times.
  • To use a sequence of values.
Types of Loop in C programming
  1. While Loop
  2. do while Loop
  3. For loop
While Loop
It execute one or more statements while the given condition remains true. It is useful when number of iterations is unknown. It is also called entry control or pre test loop.
fig: Flowchart of while loop

do while Loop
do while loops are useful where loop is to be executed at least once. In do while loop condition comes after the body of loop. The loop executes one or more statements while the given condition is true. It is an exit control or post test loop.

 Fig: Flowchart to show do while loop

For loop
For loop allows to specify three things about loop in a single line. For loops are used when the number of iterations is known before entering the loop. It is also known as counter controlled loop.

 Fig: Flowchart to show execution of for loop

Social Medias on Corona Virus

Nowadays, social medias such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram are full of information related to Corona virus. Almost everyone in the world are using these medias and getting information related on this viral topic. But, mean while since the information are shared by anyone may create confusion on the information related Corona virus since a false news are also been posted there. Social medias are need to be consider for this and should make a necessary steps to filter the information on the serious sensitive information. People are becoming panic and are afraid very much since they are getting wrong information. They are in dilemma of either their locality has become prey of the virus or not, either the vaccine are made yet or not, either they are safe to travel to foreign or not, either the precaution they are using is better or not and so on.

A large masses of people are sharing the wrong information day by day in Facebook. Many more TV channels are making it as source of income spreading the fake information whatever they are getting without any research or fact. The social medias should make necessary steps for this activity and should provide right information from WHO. I think they should play vital role in spreading right information on Corona virus and should come in real world to save humanity and  save the world from this epidemic.


Program to print name of a day using switch case statement.

Here number is inputted in variable 'day' and when it is equivalent with day in week and matches the preceeding case, it will print whatever in the block given.



Why we use function in C?

Functions are used for dividing a large code into module, due to this we can easily debug and maintain the code. For example if we write a calculator programs at that time we can write every logic in a separate function. Any function can be called many times.

Advantages of Function
  • Code Reusuability
  • Develop an application in module format
  • Easy to debug the program
  • Code optimization: no need to write a lot of code
  • Code is easier to read
  • Program testing becomes easier
  • Compiled executable is smaller
  • You don't need to make comments because function name make sense
  • Program can be developed in short period of time
  • There is no chance of code duplication

Program to check whether a entered letter is vowel or not using switch case statement


Here Switch case plays a role of nested if else statement. It is an alternative way of if else statement. In this program, a variable c is declared to store alphabet entered by user. And now case is applied, if the given letter matches to the case then it enters to its block and print the given statement and then break the procedure. If the case is not matched it will check another case and if not matches all the cases then it will enter to in the default block.



Discussions on Coronavirus.

What is Coronavirus? Define Covid-19.
The epidemic Coronavirus is a acute respiratory syndrome virus while the disease associated with it is known as Covid-19. It is a type of virus that is circulated in animals. After they have affected to animals eventually they are transmitted to humans. A wide range of animals are the sources of this virus. For example Middle East respiratory syndrome Coronavirus come from camels and severe acute respiratory syndrome Cornovirus come from civet cats.

What is the mode of Transmission of Coronavirus?
Animals are the main source of this virus but now it is being spread from one human to another. This virus is mainly transmitted through respiratory droplets that came from human sneeze, cough or exhale. The incubation period of this virus is 2 to 14 days. At this stage we can be alert that this virus can be spread to another person and can apply control measures.

What are the symptoms of Coronavirus?
Some of the Cornavirus are listed below:
  1. Fever
  2. Cough 
  3. Difficulty in breathing
  4. Tiredness
  5. Painless in muscles
  6. Pneumonia
  7. Vomiting
  8. Respiratory Distress syndrome

Who are more at risk of Coronavirus?
Elderly People, people with heart disease, diabetes, liver disorder and respiratory are at more risk with this disease(Covid-19)/ prey of Coronovirus.

Is Facemask effective in preventing from Covid-19-Coronavirus?
Facemask is not more effective for the people who are not infected with this disease, however it is effective in not spreading this disease from the people who are infected with this disease. Hand gloves are far better to be safe from this disease.

What are the pre-caution from Coronavirus?
Follow this link   LINK

Program to print division of a person.[Note: A person gets Distinction if s/he score 80% or above, First Division if s/he below 80% and above 60% , similarly 50% or above will be Second and if 32% and above will be Third division]

Here, per stores float percentage. It has been checked and if it is above 100 or below 31 it will print invalid that is stated in else statement at line 16. Nested if statement is used here so if the "per" value is  less or equal to 100 and if per is above 31 it enters inside and is checked with value 80,60,50 to print distinction, first and second division respectively and for third division,it will be sure if the above condition is false.


Program to find greatest number among any three different numbers inputted by User.

Explanation:Here three variables are declared a,b and c. The numbers in a,b and c are checked considering a is the greatest it is compared with b and c. If is greater in both condition, it will be greatest and if not, surely b or c will be greatest and are compared using else if. If b is greater than c then b will be greatest number and if it is also not then c is the greatest number as neither a nor b is greatest.


Exercise :
Make a program to state the smallest number among any three different inputted numbers.

Progarm to state that a person can cast vote or not. [Note: A person can cast vote if he is 18 years old or above]

Here name is string so as it is defined as character of array 50. The specifier is %s is used to take scanf and value in age is checked with 18 and if it is equal to 18 or greater than this s/he can cast vote and if it is less than 18 and s/he cannot vote.

  Exercise:  Make a program that can say he is old or yound. [Note if s/he is greater than age 40 than he is old and if he less than 40 then he is young.]

Define operator. Explain different types of operators used in C.

Operator is a special symbol used in programming that performs specific operation on operands. It is used to operate any two or multiple operands. Here,
In c=a+b expression, a, b and c are operands and "=" and "+" are operators.

There are different types of operators used in C programming.
  • Arithmetic operators
  • Relational operators
  • Equality operators
  • Logical operators
  • Assignment operators,
  • Unary operators
  • Conditional operators
  • Size Of operator
Arithmetic Operator
Arithmetic Operators are used to perform mathematical calculations. These operators are used with two or more than two operands. Arithmetic Operators are:
"+"------------------> Addition---------------->a+b---------------->add value of "a" and "b"

"-" ------------------> Subtraction -------------------> a-b-------------> subtract value of "a" and "b"

"*" ---------------------> Multiplication----------------> a*b ---------------> Multiply value of "a" and "b"

"/" -----------------> Division------------------------> a/b ------------------>Divide value of "a" with "b"

"%" ------------------>Modulus -----------------> a%b------------> Takes out Remainder after dividing
                                                                                                      value of "a" with value of "b"

Relational Operator
Relational Operator determines the relationship between two different operands. It is also called comparison operator. This operator is used to check the conditions. Relational Operators are :

"<"  -------------------------------> less than ----------------------> a<b-------> value of a is less than
                                                                                                                       value of b.

">" -------------------------------->greater than -------------------> a>b --------> value of a is greater than
                                                                                                                       value of b.

"<=" --------------> less than or equal to ------------> a<=b ---------->value of a is  less or equal than value of b.

">=" ---------> greater than or equal to------> a>=b ------>value of a is greater or equal than value of b.

Equality Operator

Equality operator compares the value of two operands. Either they may be equal or not.

"==" ------------------> equal to -------------> a==b -------------> value of a is equal to b

"!=" -------------> not equal to -----------> a!=b --------> value of a is not equal to value of b.

Logical Operator
 Logical operator is very important in C programming while creating a logical programs. It connects two or more expressions. It is used to give logical value either true or false.

&& ---------------> Logial AND -------------> (a>b)&&(a>c)

| |  --------------> Logial OR --------------> (a>b)||(a>c)

! --------------> Logical NOT ----------> a!

Assignment Operator
  Assignment operator ("=") is used to assign the value to a variable.
For example

Conditional Operator
Conditional operator is used perform one expression if the given condition is true else performs another expression. It is also known as ternary operator."?" is used as ternary operator.
For example,

expression1 is  evaluated and if it is true than expression2 is evaluated else expression3 is evaluated.

Unary Operator
Unary operators are used to change the value of a variable. It takes only one operand. There are two types of Unary Operator. They are :
Increment Operator
Decrement Operator

Increment Operator
There are two types of Increment operator i.e, Pre-increment operator (++i) :-  Increases value of i before it is utilized, Post-increment operator (i++):-Increases value of i after it is used.

Decrement Operator
There are two types of Decrement operator i.e, pre-decrement operator(--i) :- Decreases value of i before it is utilizedand post-decrement operaor(i++) :- Decreases value of i after it is used.




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