Technology has advanced to the point where programming has become an essential part of our lives. We use software and applications for communication, entertainment, education, and work, and these are all built on programming languages.

Define Turbo C Interface.

The interface of Turbo C is very simple. When IDE screen appears, the menu bar is activated. It contains various menus such as :
  • File : This Menu contains group of commands used for save, edit, print program, exit from Turbo C editor etc.
  • Edit : This menu contains group of commands used for editing C program source code. For example copy, cut, paste, undo etc
  • Search : This menu contains group of commands used for running C program
  • Run : This menu contains group of commands used  for running C program
  • Compile : This menu contains group of commands used for compiling C program
  • Debug : This menu contains group of commands used for debugging C program
  • Project : This menu contains group of commands used for opening, closing and creating projects.
  • Options : This menu contains group of commands used for configuring IDE of Turbo C and setting up directories etc
  • Windows : This menu contains group of commands used for opening, closing various windows of IDE.
  • Help : This menu is used to get help about specific topic of C language. Similarly to get help about a specific keyword or identifier of C.

Corona Virus : Symptoms and Early Precaution

Corona Virus is a deadly spreading virus. Covid-19 is a caused by corona virus seen first in Wuhan come from animals. The global death now reached nearly 2,800 due to this disease. More than 83,000 cases of Covid-19 disease have been confirmed in more than 50 countries. Nearly 37,000 of those people have been recovered, fast growing outbreaks in south- Korea, Italy, Iran and now seen in asia.

What are the symptoms of Covid-19 disease?

These are the symptoms of Covid-19 that may help you to take necessary steps for the prevention
  • Pneumonia
  • Illness with high cough and high fever.
  • Difficulties in breathing.
  • In severe, Organ may fail


Be safe from this deadly disease. Early Prevention is necessary, so that you can be safe and can protect your communities.

Wash your hands after coughing and sneezing, caring the sick, before and after preparing foods, after use of toilets, when hands are visibly dirty, after handling animals and animals' waste : Wash your hands properly with soap. Lather your hands, including the back of the hands, between the finger, and under the nails. Scrub for at least 20 seconds.

Cover mouth after sneezing and coughing with flexed elbow or tissue.

Avoid spitting in public.

Be away from people who are coughing.

Immediately visit to doctor if you have fever.

Use filterable mask to cover nose and mouth.

Cook Meat properly or avoid eating meat and fish.

Drink hot water in regular interval.

Wash your clothes daily.


Download Option in Youtube Videos.

Many have a will to download youtube videos. But they may not have ideas on how to download videos. They may either surf many other software for these. But I have an idea that make it simpler to download youtube videos.

Just follow these steps.👇👇👇

1. Open firefox, click on Tools and then ads-on.

2. Click on Extensions and in search type Youtube video downloader.


3.  You will see different extension related to youtube video downloader. Click on any one of them.

4.  Click on Add to firefox.

5.  Click on Add on the prompt appeared.

6.  Now go back and choose any of the extension and do the same as above to add another extensions.

7. Message may be appeared appreciating you on every extension you add to firefox.

7. Now Close the firefox and restart the youtube from firefox. Play the videos and you will see these extensions added in you firefox. From any of these you can easily download the you tube videos. 


Let's delete Temp file, Improve the performance of computer

Temporary File is created in computer if you have created any file in the computer or running some process/tasks. Temporary file is used to recover the file that has been mistakenly deleted. But some how in our computer the number of temporary files increases second by second resulting in the poor performance of computer as memory gets full.

Lets us delete these unwanted temp file from the computer and increase the speed of the computer. Follow these steps:

1. Type Run in search field beside start menu.

2. Click on run

3. In run, type %temp%

4. The temp folder/window is now open. Select all the files/folder by pressing ctrl+A.

5. Press delete button from the keyboard.

6. All the selected file/folders will be deleted, except those that are currently running in window. Press skin button.

 7. Now Feel thee performance of your computer. 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

Struggle in Reality

Earning Early For Better Livelihood.



Program to find the greater number from two different numbers.

Here, two numbers are requested from the user and placed in 'a' and 'b' variable using scanf. The value of the variable are checked using 'if' structure. If value in a is greater than value of a will be displayed as greater else value of b is displayed as greater number in comparision.



Program to read degrees in Fahrenheit and convert it into degree.

Here, user input degree in Fahrenheit and we have used formula of degree Celsius to calculate and the result is placed in variable c.


Convert degree in Celsius to degree Fahrenheit. 

Program To convert inputted time in minutes to Hours and minutes

This is the program that user input time in minutes and the program convert it to hours and minutes. Here user input time in minutes and it resides in variable min using scanf. The inputted value is divide by 60(as 60 is equal to 1 hour) which yields integer value and discard value after decimal and put it into variable h, and then the same 'min' is now divided by 60 using modulus sign which yield remainder that become minutes and is now displayed using correct specifier in printf.


Program to find area and perimeter of rectangle.

Here, length and breadth of rectangle are inputted by user and placed in l and b using scanf. Using the correct formula of area and perimeter, we are able to generate the output. The area and perimeter anre float and the output should be of 2 decimal value, so we have used .2f  specifier.

Here the input length and breadth is provided separated by comma as specifier used in scanf.


Find the area of circle where PI=3.1458.

Program to find the age of user


Here by will take the birth year, cy will put current year in it. The mathematical logic to find the age is to subtract birth year from current year. After generating age we are able to display it.



Find the age of user that he will be after 4 year.

Program to find simple interest.


Here after getting principal, time and rate from user using scanf, we have calculated simple interest and putted in 2 decimal value after point, so we used .2f in the result.


Find the average of four numbers given by user.


Program To Find the sum of two numbers inputted by user

Here, we practice main function as a returning value, so we kept int main for returning some value. This program will take two numbers from user of the program and put it in a and b variable. For input we have used scanf. The specifier %d inside scanf denoted certain value to be put in a and b. After processing, the result is displayed. We return 0 value for ensuring that the programing ran sucessfully.


Here the input is given by using comma, just like the comma used in program inside scanf.


Find out difference of any two numbers given by the user.

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Program 5: Find Simple Interest from given principal,time and rate.

void main()
int p=1000;
int t=2;
int r=3;
float si;
printf("Simple Interest=%.2f",si);

Simple Interest=60.00

Here, p is a principal, t is time and r is a rate variable and the value is already assigned on them and are declared as integer. si denotes to simple interest that stores floating value. After applying formula in the process section, the output is printed. To bring the result in two decimal value we kept .2f specifier.

Find the errors in the following program
void main()
integer a=30;
integer b=40;
integer c=60;
float d;
print("The average marks is=%d",d);



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