C program to display prime numbers between 1 to 100.

 Prime Numbers are those which have only 2 factors; by 1 and by themselves own. For examples, the first five prime numbers are 2,3,5,7 and 11. These numbers are divisible by 1 and by themselves. Here, we have to print prime numbers from 1 to 100. So, we have to use for loop. The nested for loop works here, one by variable 'a' and another by 'b' and an increment number is also stored in 'p'.

The first loop starts from 1 and inside it, another loop begins until the value of b becomes greater then a. If the remainder when a is divided by b becomes 0. The value of p incremented by 1. If the value is 2 means that first loop also has moved for 2 and value of a is 2. And, so it get printed. The first prime number is extracted and now whenever the divisible of a by b becomes 0, the value inside a gets printed and we will get all the prime numbers. 


The Output

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