Program to print first 9 natural numbers using For loop
Here, I have used Dev C++ platform, it is easy to download. In this program, integer "i" is declared. For …
March 26, 2020Here, I have used Dev C++ platform, it is easy to download. In this program, integer "i" is declared. For …
Naren March 26, 2020T he goto statement is also known as jump statement that makes a program procedure to jump any where from anywhere with…
Naren March 13, 2020B reak statement when encountered in the loop it immediately break the loop and program resumes at the line following t…
Naren March 12, 2020Nowadays, social medias such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram are full of information related to Corona virus. Almost ev…
Naren March 08, 2020Explanation: Here number is inputted in variable 'day' and when it is equivalent with day in week an…
Naren March 08, 2020F unctions are used for dividing a large code into module, due to this we can easily debug and maintain the code. For e…
Naren March 07, 2020Explanation Here Switch case plays a role of nested if else statement. It is an alternative way of if else stat…
Naren March 07, 2020E xplanation Here, per stores float percentage. It has been checked and if it is above 100 or below 31 it will pr…
Naren March 04, 2020Explanation :Here three variables are declared a,b and c. The numbers in a,b and c are checked considering a …
Naren March 02, 2020Explanation, Here name is string so as it is defined as character of array 50. The specifier is %s is used t…
Naren March 02, 2020O perator is a special symbol used in programming that performs specific operation on operands. It is used to operate a…
Naren March 01, 2020